Far East Knitting and Dying Industries Limited has received 403 crore 70 lakh. Decimal 98, which is 5 times more than the company needs. The next 17th July, will be held on Thursday, the company aipiora lottery draw. Chittagong Stock Exchange in the data source.
However, the company Initial Public Offering (IPO) will be collected over 67 crore 50 lakh. Twenty of 5 crore 56 lakh 44 thousand 800 resident Bangladeshi Taka application has been submitted. Small investors hit 7 million 93 thousand 600 Rs 36 crore, 9 crore 33 lakh 44 thousand 400 of expatriate Bangladeshis and mutual funds worth Tk 13 crore 5 lakh 17 thousand 375 applications have been submitted.
However, the company Initial Public Offering (IPO) will be collected over 67 crore 50 lakh. Twenty of 5 crore 56 lakh 44 thousand 800 resident Bangladeshi Taka application has been submitted. Small investors hit 7 million 93 thousand 600 Rs 36 crore, 9 crore 33 lakh 44 thousand 400 of expatriate Bangladeshis and mutual funds worth Tk 13 crore 5 lakh 17 thousand 375 applications have been submitted.
Prior to the IPO application was started on June 15. Bangladeshis leave for residents until June 19. Had the opportunity of applying for the expatriate Bangladeshis until June 8.
Even before the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange (SEC) has approved the company's IPO at the 513 th meeting.
However, Far East Knitting and Dying Industries Limited with 10 rupees face value of shares sold at Tk 17 to Tk 7 premium. The company already has 50 million shares issued. Through the 67 million to 50 million rupees from the market. According to the audited financial report of the company's 5-year ended 30 June 013 at the end of the year of income or earnings per share of Rs 54 paise. The asset value per share NAV or 8 paise to 19 rupees.
The company had withdrawn money from stock biemaarai, said that the bank will pay the loan term.